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"...thank YOU for sharing your story because it’s definitely something that isn’t talked about in the church but a very real reality that many women (and even men) can experience in the church. Everything you have shared is so real with your personal experiences to the simple facts about the effects of abuse on an individual. May God continue to bring healing and fill your heart with courage as you continue to share your story."
— P

Books by Rebecca K. Tan

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After self-publishing But He Said He is a Christian, Rebecca received many messages from other women in the Church sharing their stories of mistreatment and abuse with men who also claimed to be a Christian. Since then, she has sought to compile their stories and put it together in this book titled, But Her Too. 

In the book, But He Said He is a Christian, Rebecca K. Tan shows readers what her life as a devoted Christian looked like before, during, and after an abusive relationship with her boyfriend who claims to be a Christian. 

Trying to make sense of the hurt, Rebecca wrestled with questions about her faith in God and whether she should stay or leave the relationship. Enduring the daily threats, all-round pain, and confusion that being with Tony caused seemed like the only way forward, but with the support of loved ones and the honest truth, Rebecca would find hope, clarity, and courage. 

About the Author

Rebecca K. Tan is the author of two books titled, But He Said He is a Christian (2020) and But Her Too (2024). The aim of these two books are to raise awareness of the mistreatment and abuse present in dating relationships within the Church. Through this, she hopes that those who have struggled in an unhealthy relationship would be comforted to know that they are not alone.

*If this book needs to be read in secret, contact us through the form or send a direct message on Instagram or Facebook. 

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