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I've been away

It’s been a while since I stepped away from this instagram account, unannounced. I was feeling tired and didn’t see how I should continue with RKT. It’s been over a year now and I feel God calling me back here for this time.

I don’t have a crazy story to share about why I’m returning here but here’s what I got:

The very next day that But He Said He is a Christian was published, I started working on what I thought would be my next book. It had been about 2 months of being on social media before sharing my first book with the world and in that time I was receiving messages from women regularly about how they’ve also been in an abusive dating relationship with a Christian but didn’t feel like they were able to share the account with others.

Some of them shared how they confided in close family members or friends, but the overwhelming response is that many women, like myself, were fearful of discussing this in Church settings to avoid being accused of lying, gossiping, slander, and more.

With this information, I found it a great privilege to be able to share so openly under a pseudonym and wanted to give other women the opportunity to share their story.

Personally, I’ve seen 2 main benefits since sharing my experience of having been in an abusive dating relationship with and as a Christian.

1. It’s allowed me to process what happened to me and welcomed my close family and friends to ask questions. This helped them understand what I really went through, instead of their assumptions of why I stayed in an abusive relationship.

2. Just as reading other stories of abusive relationships helped me, sharing my story has helped others. Particularly in identifying that what happened to them was not okay. It can often be difficult to see clearly that what we went through isn’t the norm. It’s sometimes not until we read and see it in another perspective that we can make sense of what has happened to us.

Knowing all this, the past 2 years have been a rollercoaster with the biggest dip with my emotions just a few months ago. With everything going on, I suddenly started thinking about RKT and the women who’ve been hurt or are hurting in relation to an abusive relationship. I woke up to thoughts about what it could look like if I returned and because it was more clear of what I would do here, I prayed towards it and here I am.

I’ll slowly be more active on this account and hope to focus on my website where I plan to write blog posts surrounding the topics of Christian dating, abusive relationships, healing and trauma.

In addition to writing blog posts under RKT, I would love to welcome others who are wanting to share their thoughts also. Those who wish to do so under a pseudonym will have my respect to keep their identity anonymous. If you or someone you know wants to participate, you can reach out to me on social media or my email:

Please pray for me as I re-enter this space and share what I can through my blog posts. I’ve also been considering writing another book and would really appreciate your prayers in this too.

Thank you for being here, for praying and for encouraging me.

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